Our Team

Lachtropweg 4
D-32130 Enger
Telefon:(0 52 24) 93 741-0
Fax:(0 52 24) 93 741-11

Das Chaps & More Team stellt sich vor

Regina Danielmeyer

Mrs Danielmeyer processes your orders, questions and requests in English and German.

Our motto:
practical product developments
+ Ergonomic fits
= Produce satisfied customers.
This is confirmed by our customers every day – you can rely on!

Tel: 0049 5224-93741-20
Email: rd@chaps-and-more.de

Jasmin Brocki

Mrs Brocki processes your orders, questions and requests in Polish and German.

Miły Kliencie, chętnie pomoże państwu pani Brocki przy zamówieniach, pytaniach i życzeniach w języku polskim lub niemickim.

The customer is king! With us good and fast service is lived.

Nasz klient, nasz pan. Żyjemy z dobrej obsługi naszych klientów.

Carina Seidel

Mrs Seidel processes your orders, questions and requests in Spanish, English and German.

Our motto – comprehensively protectwork more comfortablylive healthier

Reinhard Jung


Mr Jung processes your orders, questions and requests in English and German.

Angelika Thaler-Jung

As one of the leading manufacturers of knee and wetness protection, we pull out all the stops to get satisfied customers – you can rely on!